HQ Water Solutions

HQ Water Solutions

High-quality water for your home and family

What is your business and the mission of your brand?

Our mission at HQ Water Solutions is to help each customer achieve high-quality water. We pride ourselves on being responsive, honest, fairly-priced, and customer-oriented. 

Our services include the professional installation, maintenance, and repair of various home water treatment systems, including water softener systems and home water filtration systems. 

We love sharing knowledge and information about the importance of clean and healthy water for one’s home and family. There is a lack of understanding about the importance of high-quality water, and we love bringing more awareness to our local community.

What made you want to start this business? What’s YOUR story?!

After Stephen spent nearly 10 years in the commercial/industrial water treatment business, we decided to chase our longtime dream of owning our own company and providing the high-quality customer service experiences we thought the industry was lacking — and our customers deserved. In addition to our passion for the industry, we sought out entrepreneurship as a way to gain flexibility as we expanded our family. We launched our business in March 2020 — just a few weeks before the pandemic. Although, it had its fair share of challenges at first, the timing actually allowed us to grow the business faster than we were anticipating, and we were able to take the business full-time as a family in 2022. Entrepreneurship has allowed us to create our own schedules and meet the ever-changing needs of our two young daughters, Medina and Venice. We are excited to get them more involved with the business as they grow older.

What is one piece of advice that has propelled you and your business?

When we started exploring the idea of starting a business, we were always told that connections would be key. That led to involvement in various community groups — such as the Manheim Chamber. Not only did these connections allow us to network with and learn from like-minded individuals, it allowed us to build a solid reputation and quickly grow our customer base within the local community. Almost 3 years in, and many of these community members and leaders are now some of our closest friends. We are able to support each other in our businesses, encourage one another, and help each other navigate challenging times. We are so grateful that we listened to that advice and were community-oriented from the beginning of our journey.

What is something you wished you had known when you first started?

I wish we would've started SOONER. Looking back, I wish we would've started our business on the side while working full-time. This would've allowed us to set up our business, troubleshoot, and grow the business slowly without added pressure. I wish we would've done less research and taken more risks. It's good to have your ducks in a row, but make sure that your "planning" and "preparation" isn't just procrastination in disguise. I wish we would've sought out more feedback. It's easy to feel intimidated when starting a business, and we were certainly victims of imposter syndrome throughout the start of our entrepreneurial journey. In reality, any time we opened up the floor for feedback, we not only got helpful tips/advice, but I showed our client base that we are human -- which made them respect and value our company even more. There is learning and growth involved with every step of starting and running a business. Don’t be afraid to start before you’re ready, ask for help, and always strive to do right by your customers and community.Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times?

How do you incorporate your faith into your business?

Faith is what keeps us grounded and motivated through challenging times. We know that there is a greater purpose to all of this, and faith allows us to never forget our “why.” Our ultimate mission is to help our customers, community, and those around us. Entrepreneurship allows us the freedom and opportunity to serve those around us, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Do you have a specific quote/mantra/verse that propels you in harder times?

“Remember why you started” is a phrase we go back to time-and-time again. On the tough days, while navigating challenges, and during periods of burn-out or frustration we lean on this phrase heavily. Owning a business is all-consuming, and there’s a lot of pressure to succeed. When we start to feel out of balance, we try our best to remember why we started this business in the first place. We started this business to make a difference in our industry, to support our family, and to structure our lives and calendars on our terms. We also wanted to build something that our children could be proud of and be part of, and we feel very lucky that we have the opportunity to chase this dream and build a life that is fulfilling for us.

Get high-quality water for your home & family!