Weaver's Boutique

Weaver's Boutique

That dream of mine did not give birth into the physical until I had my beautiful daughter Esthanaïda Emma who was born at 34 weeks. At about 7 months old, I had a great routine down and I started to get my strength back. I really wanted to do something other than just “being a mom” which indeed is enough too, ladies.  

Sugar Swirl Cart

Sugar Swirl Cart

I searched all around PA and couldn’t find anything close to me so that is when I decided to just buy a machine and do it myself. Well… the machine didn’t come in time and I was just stuck with this big machine and didn’t know what to do with it. I decided then I’m going to start Sugar Swirl Cart. I

Harmony Hall Organizing

Harmony Hall Organizing

So, when I found myself in an airport about to leave on my honeymoon, I picked up a book called "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo and it truly changed my life. I found hope that I could change. I found hope that I didn't have to feel like I was treading water anymore. That feeling was so empowering that once I got my own life in order - I wanted to share it with everyone. And my clients can tell you, that kind of freedom is priceless.

Good Day Coffee

Good Day Coffee

We were both looking to change our careers and took this opportunity to begin training towards starting our own coffee trailer and business. "Good Day Coffee" comes from this concept: No matter what happens in life, it's our perspective that makes a difference! Waking up each morning saying, "It's going to be a good day!", can change our lives for the better.